At Blue Balloon Coaching, mental health is just important to us as physical health, and we are on a mission to empower the community and break down the stigma associated with common mental health problems. Will you join us in changing the lives of those we are concerned about?
Many people feel uncomfortable and unprepared when thinking about starting a conversation with someone they are concerned about. You will learn about common mental health problems, how to provide initial help to someone experiencing a mental health problem using a practical, evidence‑based action plan, and how to respond in a crisis situation. During the course, participants will also have the opportunity to practice their new skills in a safe environment.
Our Licensed MHFA™ Instructor is accredited to deliver this training against rigorously evaluated guidelines and after completing a Mental Health First Aid course, participants are eligible to complete a short online assessment to then become an Accredited MHFAider™. Just like appointing physical first aid officers, many organisations choose to educate their staff through corporate training and then appoint accredited MHFAiders™ to the role of Mental Health First Aid Officer within the workplace.
Accreditation lasts for a period of 3 years and All MHFA™ courses are evaluated, using rigorous scientific methods, to ensure they are having a positive impact. Some studies have also shown improved mental health in those who attend the training, decreases in stigmatising attitudes and increases in the amount and type of support provided to others.